Gender Policy

Gender identity, language, and gender expression have progressed tremendously over the last few years, and that’s due to the hard work of many who have been on the front lines of inclusive and progressive change that more accurately represents the true diversity of the Women and Queer community as a whole.  As societal norms evolve, it’s not always easy to accept or to keep up with the changes, but it is indeed necessary to do so.  One of our goals for Desire Unchained is to be as inclusive and reflective of the important progress being made in the practice and politics of sexuality and gender identities, while still honoring the work that those have done before, in maintaining a focus on women and genderqueer-centered spaces. 

Desire Unchained is an event for Women, Genderqueer, Gender Variant/Expansive Trans folx only

Desire Unchained is not open to attendance by Binary Trans Men or Cisgender Men. 

We require all individuals that attend to participate at the event as a person identified in one or more of the following gender identities below and if you are unsure if this event is for you, please email

This list is not exhaustive:

  • Androgyne 
  • boi
  • Butch
  • Cis-gendered Female
  • Daddy
  • Dyke
  • Female
  • Female – Masculine of Center
  • Femme
  • Gender Fluid
  • Gender Non-Conforming
  • Genderqueer 
  • Genderqueer Femme
  • Intersexed
  • Non-Binary
  • Third Gender
  • Transgender Women
  • Trans-masculine
  • Two-Spirit
  • Woman
  • Womxn
  • Womyn
  • Woman-aligned

Keep in mind:

  • There will be people present with different gender expressions and you will see a variety of sex, bodies, and genitalia at a Desire Unchained event.  Please remember that people’s anatomy or appearance do not define their gender.
  • Gender is subjective to the individual person and cannot be assessed by outside viewers.  This means that there is no way for you to make a determination about someone else’s gender based on their appearance and/or presentation.

The Producers reserve the right to refuse you attendance to an event if, after having a conversation, we feel this is not an appropriate event for you. You will get an immediate refund of your ticket if this occurs.